Best Bug Out Bag and Survival Resources

We cover many important topics here at the Bug Out Bag Guide including wilderness and urban survival tactics, Bug Out planning, survival skills, and Bug Out Bag essentials but there are also many great resources around the web to learn from.

Best Survival Resources
Photo credit:Jeff Moser : on flickr

In our travels, here are some of the best survival resources that we have found:

  1. Prepper Forums.Net – This is a vibrant, thriving community of preppers that are quick to respond to questions and welcoming to newbies.  There are many experienced survivalists in their mix with a wide range of knowledge that covers firearms, survival tactics, survival kits, and outdoor gear.
  2. Prepper Website – Outstanding curated articles about all things preparedness.  They also run the sister site The Preparedness Review.
  3. SurvivoPedia – A hub containing a HUGE amount of information on survival skills, planning, and preparedness. SurvivoPedia also does a Prep Blog review weekly to highlight other sites around the web.
  4. Outdoor Life: Survival – This is an offshoot from the excellent Outdoor Life magazine that covers all survival related topics.  There is a seemingly endless supply of information and articles here.
  5. – A great blog that is loaded with information about all aspects of survival.  This has been around since 2005 so it has a huge library of content to answer many survival related questions.
  6. Ready.Gov – The US Government website dedicated to emergency preparedness.  A lot of good, basic information.
  7. SAS Survival Handbook – Good information for any climate regarding basic survival tactics.
  8. – Another vibrant community of passionate preppers.  There are many people here happy to answer questions regarding disaster preparedness.
  9. The Doom and Bloom Survival Medicine Handbook – An excellent resource on all aspects of survival first aid.  This should be required learning for anyone leading a bug out group.
  10. Off The Grid News – This is an alternative news site and has a lot of interesting takes on off the grid living that are directly applicable to a bug out scenario.
  11. The Survival Mom – An awesome blog geared towards family survival planning and prepping.  It also has a great podcast that is packed with information.
  12. Modern Combat And Survival – These guys have a TON of useful, actionable tips and articles.  No hypotheticals here, all meat and potatoes.  They also have a great podcast that is a smart way to get prepared while commuting or working out.
  13. Living Off-Grid: A Guide To Self-Sufficiency – Written by an Eagle Scout who spent a total of 11 years living off-grid, this is an excellent resource for planning and executing a successful transition to a self-sufficient homestead.

We hope this list is helpful and you are able to use these resources to elevate your survival preparedness to the next level with the wealth of information and options that they provide.  If you have a great resource to suggest, please let us know and we wlll take a look.


Chris Ruiz

My name is Chris and I created this site to help ordinary people prepare for the uncertainties of the modern day world. I believe that a well-prepared society is the best safeguard against any natural or manmade disaster.

7 comments on “Best Bug Out Bag and Survival Resources

  1. THANK YOU for all the articles especially the urban survival articles. As you and others have so rightly pointed out, it may be hard to impossible to know exactly the right time to bug out. Knowing that we can properly care for and protect our families in place is a HUGE load off our minds.

    I do have one question/inquiry though concerning The Family Bug Out Bag. PLEASE forgive me if this sounds like a really stupid question. Is the family bug out bag something one adult should plan for, while other adults concentrate on individual bug out bags?? Or, is the family bug out bag something each adult should plan for even if they overlap? I’m obviously missing something here and it’s important to me to get it right.

    1. Hey Flo,
      Glad you liked the article and thanks for your comment!
      Regarding the family BOB it depends on the family! If you are planning on packing a lot of items for the kids it is probably best to distribute the gear among more than one adult so no one gets too fatigued. It is best to make sure each BOB is a self-sufficient kit, not that only one has all of a particular type of gear regardless of what it is. I hope this helps.

  2. I would recommend a link to While some people may not like the religious material that is also included, the site has a ton of great free information on prepping in general including: emergency kits, food storage, finances, physical health, gardening and becoming self sufficient. I would say it is definitely worth taking a look at.

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