Glossary Of Survival And Bug Out Terms

Members of the survival and bug out culture tend to speak at times in dense acronyms and nomenclature.  We have decided to put together this glossary of terms to help a newbie prepper cut their way through the jargon.  We have also included links to more information for some of these items, click through to read our related article.  If you have any terms or acronyms that you would like us to add, let us know in the Comments Section at the end of the page, enjoy!

Survival and Bug Out Terms

Glossary TermDefinitionMore Info
Basic Survival SkillsThese are the basic skills a person needs to survive anywhere under any circumstances. They are: Keeiping a positive mental attitude, Acquiring and treating water, Shelter building, Acquiring and preparing food, and Fire building.Click here for more info on Basic Survival Skills
Bug InA situation where a decision has been made either by an individual or a Government authority to stay in one location than Bug Out. This may be an airborne threat such as a biological or chemical hazard or a natural disaster that is confined to a certain area such as a flood or wild fire.
Bug OutTo leave an area quickly. This may be due to circumstance such as a natural disaster or terrorist attack.
Bug Out BagA bag that an individual has thought out and packed in rediness to Bug Out on short notice. This is usually full of essential survival items.Click here for more info on Bug Out Bags
Bug Out Bag Update ChecklistA checklist of actions undertaken peridoically to update a Bug Out Bag and Bug Out Plan to keep a high state of preparedness as personal circumstances and/or external factors may change over time.Click here for more info on updating your Bug Out Bag and Plan
Bug Out PartyThe group of people who you intend to bug out with. These people would be a part of your Bug Out Plan and would be aware of the designated Rally Point.Click here for more info on making your Bug Out Plan
Bug Out PlanA list of actions to undertake when a bug out is required. This should include a Rally Point, intended destinations and routes, and emergency contact information for loved ones and government facilities.Click here for more info on making your Bug Out Plan
ChemlightA chemically activated light. Also called a "Glow Stick". Used to illuminate small areas for a limited duration.
Dakota Fire HoleA highly effecient type of fire pit built into the ground that integrates an air intake in the directon of the prevailing wind and chimney.Click here for more info on Basic Survival Skills such as fire building
Disaster PreparednessA state of mind where an individual takes proactive steps to ensure they are prepared to survive unforeseen natural and manmade emergencies.
EDCAcronym for "Every Day Carry" This is a small kit of survival items that are carried on your person to assist with high probability events and problems as well as low probability events that would have a severe negative impact.Click here for more info on making an Every Day Carry Kit
Fish AntibioticsA type of antibioitc easily obtained online or in pet supply shops that appear to be identicle to pharmacy perscribed medications. Preppers are buying these in bulk as they are easier and sometimes cheaper to obtain that a perscription version.Click here for more info on Fish Antibiotics for survival situations
Get Home BagA small survival kit that is stored at a person's workplace, in their car, or carried on their person that is intended to assist them in journey back home in the event of a disaster striking when they are elsewhere.
Go BagA synonym for Bug Out Bag - A bag that an individual has thought out and packed in rediness to Bug Out on short notice. This is usually full of essential survival items.
Hydration PackA water bladder that is integrated into a backpack with a tube running over the user's shoulder to permit easy access. It allows a large volume of water to be more easily carred and stored than in a water bottle.
LEDAcronym for "Light Emitting Diode". A technology being used in modern flashlights. Advantages include high impact resistance and generally greater volume of light emitted versus traditional flashlight and lower energy consumption.
MOLLEAcronym for "Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment". This standard is used by many militaries worldwide in their packs for attaching weapons and equipment. This is a feature that is included in many modern backpacks that allows for a wide variety of customization options.Click here for more info on Picking A Bug Out Backpack
MultitoolA small, compact tool that contains many smaller tools within. An example would be a Swiss Army Knife or Leatherman.Click here for more info on Multi Purpose Survival Tools
ParacordA small diameter, lightweight woven cord that is used in a wide variety of survival and military applications. Most commercially availavle paracord has a breaking strength of 550lbs and is highly rot-resistant.
PermethrinA commercially available insect repellent that can be applied to clothes and will last through 6 wash cycles. It is at least as effective as DEET in repelling insects.
Positive Mental AttitudeA essential element of any survival situation as it gives individuals the will to overcome adversity. Keeping positive and focusing on improving your immedieate situation will greatly improved a survivor's probability of success.Click here for more info on Basic Survival Skills such as maintaining a positive mental attitude
Premade Bug Out BagA type of Bug Out Bag that is sold in outdoors stores and online that comes pre-packed with basic survival gear. This saves a prepper the time and energy of having to individually source these items but the tradeoof can be that they are more expesive and sometimes made of questionable quality.Click here for more info on premade bug out bags
PrepperA person who maintains the Disaster Preparedness mindset and takes proactive steps to prepare themselves and their loved ones to survive unforeseen disasters by building a Bug Out Bag and Bug Out Plan.
Rally PointAn element of a Bug Out Plan that is a designated location where all members of a Bug Out Party have agreed to meet in the event to begin a Bug Out.Click here for more info on making your Bug Out Plan
Shelter In PlaceThis is a synonym for Bug In - A situation where a decision has been made either by an individual or a Government authority to stay in one location than Bug Out. This may be an airborne threat such as a biological or chemical hazard or a natural disaster that is confined to a certain area such as a flood or wild fire.
SHTFAcronym for when "Sh*t Hits The Fan". A term used for when a scenario reaches a level where Bugging Out becomes the best option.
Solar Water StillA survival device that uses the sun's energy to evaporate dirty water and then recollect it in drinkable form. This can be purchased or made from readily available materials.Click here for more info on Basic Survival Skills such as making a solar still
Survival KnifeA type of knife frequently found in Bug Out Bags that integrates multiple survival tools into its handle. These may include a survival fishing kit, first aid items, a compass, and a fire starting kit or many other options.
TEOTWAWKIAcronym for "The End Of The World As We Know It". Term used by preppers for a potential event of decline that will result in the collapse of modern society. Concernt for this state is what spurs many hardcore preppers into action.
Threat MatrixA tool for assessing the level of risk for perceived threats in a person's environment. It accounts for both the probability and consequence of a threat becoming reality.Click here for more info on Assessing Risks
Urban Survival KitA type of survival kit that has been tailored to meet the specifc needs inherent of an urban scenario. This may include protective gear such as work gloves and a dust mask items and tools to shape a manmade environment shuch pry tool or fire hydrant/gas main wrench.Click here for more info on building an Urban Survival Kit
Water FiltrationA water treatment process that removes sediment and some pathogens from intended drinking water. This is typically achieved by passing the water through fine screens or membranes.Click here for more info on Basic Survival Skills such as filtering water
Water PurificationA water treatment process that neutralizes pathogens but does not remove sediment from intended drinking water. This may be through chemical treatment or exposure to UV light.Click here for more info on Basic Survival Skills such as purifying water
Wilderness Survival KitA type of survival kit that has been tailored to meet the specifc needs inherent of a wilderness scenario. This may include hunting and fishing items and tools to shape a natural environment shuch as a shovel, saw, or hatchet.Click here for more info on building a Wilderness Survival Kit
72 Hour KitA survival kit that is intended to contain enough survival gear to last a single person for 72 hours. The number of hours, "72" is used because that is how long an average person can go without ingesting water.

If you are ready to build your bug out list click on the button below to use our free tool:

Bug Out Bag Interactive Packing List

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Chris Ruiz

My name is Chris and I created this site to help ordinary people prepare for the uncertainties of the modern day world. I believe that a well-prepared society is the best safeguard against any natural or manmade disaster.

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